How to Choose the Right Wall Art for Your Home’s Personality

Houses are symbolic of our personality and can be a reflection of who we are inside, demonstrating aspects of our inner selves like our personalities, minds, hopes, dreams, and desires. The key to creating a beautiful, functional, and aesthetic space that you love to be in is to give your home a personality, and one way to do this is by making sure that you choose the right wall art for each space.  

In this article, we’ll look at ten ways you can make sure that the art you choose reflects your home’s personality, creating spaces that speak to your soul and get across to others who you are as a person.

Turning a House Into a Home With Wall Art

Each Room Should Have a Mood

One of the first initial steps towards choosing the right wall art is determining the mood of each room. Is the room for relaxing, working, hanging out, creating, or some other purpose? Do you want the room to feel cozy, exude energy, or have a sophisticated touch? For a relaxing mood, try landscapes and muted colors, picturing this on a spectrum moving towards bold, striking, and bright wall art for an energetic mood.

Choose Art With Meaning 

Your art should not only be beautiful, it should also convey information about you, your house, and the area you live in. Search for conversation pieces, not just art you visually like. One way to add personality to your house is to choose art that has relevance to the history of the area you live in.  

Color Is Personality

When it comes to art, color plays a huge role in creating the personality of the pieces. The color palette will be one of the major factors that go into how you feel in and perceive a space. The wall art should complement and enhance the room, for example, if the room is neutral then consider adding a splash of color with the art, and if it’s already colorful you can go with more muted tones.  

Architecture and Form 

Every house already has a personality. Some are more uniform and bland than others, but they still have unique aspects about them that can be complemented by art. Even if you don’t live in a Frank Lloyd Wright house, you can take a minute to appreciate the architecture of your house and think about what art styles would go best with it.  

Get the Sizing Right

One common mistake is choosing wall art that is too small. Don’t be afraid to go big and bold, especially for a centerpiece in each room.  Above the couch is a good spot for an oversized piece, and mixing both small and large pieces will add a nice touch of personality to the wall art.

Pick Pieces You Love

On the topic of making bold choices, don’t be afraid to pick pieces you love even if they aren’t conventional or normal choices. At the end of the day, you will be the one in the space most of the time, and your opinion is far more important than any guest's. Always pick art pieces that speak to your soul.

Mix and Match

One tip that interior designers love is to mix old and new, different mediums, or contrasting colors. Creating a contrast in your house is an excellent way to add character and personality to the rooms.  

Mix the Practical with Decorative

If you’re looking to add personality to a space, mixing functional pieces like calendars, mirrors, and clocks with art can give spaces a nice touch. Consider a mixed piece like a mirror flanked by two symmetrical vertical art prints. 

Lighting is Everything

When it comes to the mood of a room, lighting has a major role. Using natural light, muted tones, warm light, or bright spotlights can completely change the character and mood of the space. Take the time to carefully consider the lighting in each room of your house.

Don’t Be Afraid to Create

One amazing way to add personality to your space is to create art yourself. This way, you can blend your personality into each space in a transcendent way that will instantly speak to you and provide the meaning and conversational pieces you are looking for. Take a painting class, create ceramics, make an abstract piece, or find a creative way to hang purchased art prints.

This digital era has been described as the golden age” of printed photos, and you can get beautiful prints of pictures you took easier now than ever before. Creating or purchasing art and transforming it into something wonderful is one of the best ways to add personality to a space.  

Wall art is an outward expression of our personalities, and is a major part of turning a house into a home. Always take the time to find art you love, that way you’ll enjoy being at home and can build a space that you are proud to show off!

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